Good Morning!
I've been thinking a lot lately about starting a new routine. I want to train myself to be an early riser. There are several things wrong with this challenge. I say Challenge because I am NOT a morning person, nor is my daughter. We both enjoy sleeping in. It's very difficult for me to wake up earlier than 9 am. This is a problem. I've recently applied for school and registered M for kindergarten this fall. This means we will have to be up early and on the go well before 9. They say it takes 28 days to create a new habit. If getting up early is my new habit then I've decided it's going to take me 6 months to effectively make the change.
I'm up at 6 am this morning. I have a lot of stuff to get done today before I get M from my mom's and before I go to work at 4:30 this afternoon. I figure 'The early bird gets the worm'. For the record, I stepped outside this morning and I didn't see nor hear one single bird. I'm up before the birds damnit!! I did, however, see a cat. So, I'm recoining the phrase: "The early cat gets the mouse". As I came inside and carried myself up stairs to retrieve the laptop I had to avoid collapsing onto the bed. It called out to me with it's fluffy pillows and warm comforter. I looked at it, gave it my best stern 'mom' face, pointed and said 'NO' out loud, as if it could hear me and would disappear into the ground to avoid me falling into it. I can proudly say I resisted the urge to go back to sleep and am still awake, bright eyed and bushy tailed (again a reference to an animal who's up early. Why do humans reference animals when speaking on this topic? Oh that's right.... Because its animalistic to be up at such a ridiculous hour! End vent) I am making leaps and bounds here people!
To avoid this blog getting too lengthly I must wrap it up and get on with my day. My very long day now that I've decided to be up so very early.
It's painful. I might just cry a little.
I hope everyone has a great day!
Getting up early is fantastic! Now that im off on mat leave, I still get up the same time as I did for work, about 730am. Its so great to be up and realize u have accomplished so much and look at the clock and its like 930am! The best tip? Shower as soon as u get up, and makeup abd hair (even if its simple), cause if ur like me, u dont want to lay down and get makeup over everything! :p but good for u for waking up early...6 am is a bit early, so try 7, and maybe by then that damn bird will be chirping :( xo kp♡