Thursday, 8 September 2011

'Big Sexy' fashion?

I've recently been introduced to this new three-part series on TLC, Big Sexy. It features five plus sized women in New York City trying to make it in the fashion world. We get a snapshot of what their every day life is like being 'big girls' and the struggles that come with. However, they embrace their curves and have no over-powering desire to change their voluptuous bodies. During one of the episodes one of the ladies makes a powerful statement: "Fashion is for everyone." This got me thinking... should designers cater to every size even if it's plus size and in turn potentially supporting, at times, an unhealthy way of life?

Yes, I too believe that fashion is for everyone. After all we all have to get up and get dressed in the morning. We all seek to look and feel great in the clothes we wear. Trying to shop for stylish pieces that fit and suit my body type has, at times, been challenging. This is coming from someone who has had to wear plus size clothes at certain points in my life. I can certainly feel for the women of Big Sexy. Especially when they attend a fashion show during New York Fashion Week and are disappointed that none of the designers are showcasing clothing modelled by plus size ladies. I too would feel as though the body image of the models that I'm seeing on the runway is highly unattainable. There were moments in the show where I could really relate to the ladies. The major difference being that I want to loose weight and am not okay with being plus size. I love my curves and don't want to loose all of them, but I'd also like to feel 110% good in my body. This can be hard, especially after have babies. Even if I was at my ideal weight I still wouldn't be able to feel great in clothes that were designed with the 'stick thin' in mind. I know that the smaller sized body is preferred to showcase a designers collection but can this look send the wrong message at times. The designers may not be showing plus size models in plus sized clothing but they are showing women who are at the very opposite end of the spectrum. These ladies could be deemed too skinny and also unhealthy.

I think at the end of the day a designer will never be able to make everyone happy. I also believe that if  someone chooses to start a fashion line they really need to focus on one specific size group of people and that way they can avoid a lot of grief. Not everyone needs to shop in every store equally but there should be different stores with different styles and tastes for people of all shapes and sizes.  Let's also keep in mind that just because someone is plus size doesn't mean they are totally unhealthy and same for those whom are slender. So if ever in your life time you get the opportunity to see a runway show let's keep the judgements on the fashion and not the models. Fashion is for enjoy!



  1. Yes I Feel the same way.Everyone... no matter what size you are can look goooood! Damn right! There are clothes out there for the bigger bustier, more voluptuous women. And fashionable. Nowadays anyway. I dont think there always was, but there definatly is now. The only thing about finding the right clothes to fit your bigger body is that it might take a little longer than if you were small. Dont you agree? Its just harder to find and maybe costs a little more money. So if you are broke like me You have a little more work to do. I might decide to buy a new tank to go under a blazer that I already have, orjust an accessary to change up an outfit. But yeh, it takes a little more effort. Thanks Amber for writing on this topic, cause I think all women, no matter what size, CAN LOOK GOOD! I watched the show and thought it wasnt bad, but big girls do have a harder time which isnt fair!!!

  2. Thanks Momma for your comment! I think it's important for everyone to feel amazing!
