Saturday, 10 September 2011

My Sweet Singer

Some of you, who have befriended me via facebook, have probably noticed I've been refinishing my Grandmother's old Singer sewing machine. It was in pretty rough shape. It had been sitting outside exposed to the elements for a few months before I rescued it and gave it some TLC. I am so proud of how far it has come. This in turn makes me wonder... just how far has it come? What has it created? What could it create?

The old Singer may have never taken part in creating designer duds but it must have helped clothe my family at some point. It guided gentle hands in a labour of love,  fixed what had been torn, and maybe even breathed new life into an old garment. I wish I could say I  have some articles that were sewn by it but that is just wishful thinking.

I am nonetheless very excited that a peice of my history now sits in my home. It will be mine until I share it and pass it along to M who I hope will love it dearly. If I ever get it in working condition and learn to sew (no judgement please) then I will share with you my creations. Until that miraculous day it will just look like a million bucks in my front hall for all to see. This mama is so proud!


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