Friday, 23 December 2011

Like Mother Like Daughter

Today was the first day that M wandered into her room and came out with an entire outfit that she picked out, all by herself. Usually it's a shirt here or a shoe there but this time she had a complete ensemble. The next task was trying to get it all on by herself. She no longer wants my help to do most things, especially getting dressed. After a small tantrum and convincing her to let me help she was dressed. The end result was something that made me proud. An outfit that actually made sense and looked good. She decided to strut her stuff for me and I managed to capture a few snap shots. What a little diva!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. She is such a little diva! I am so proud of her and how she is evolving into such a wonderful, caring, sharing and loving person!!!
    I will continue to wear this proud smile on my face forever!
