Monday, 12 December 2011

Mommy 'Mom'ments

First and foremost I am feeling like the worst blogger in the world right now because my blog has taken a back seat to my life. Since my fiance has left for British Columbia I thought I'd have more time to sit down and write about being a mom/fashionista. I was horribly mistaken. I am currently acting as a single mother, even though I am not. It's a lot of work being the only one doing everything (small pity party). However, this blog is not about me and my sob story. It is about a fellow mommy and dear friend of mine whom I'd like to introduce as Supermom.

Supermom, aka T, has been in my life for a few years now. Our friendship did not begin in the land of diapers, bottles, and late night feedings but in a land of waste management and garbage disposal as co-workers. I had the pleasure of knowing T for a fair bit of time before we became moms. You can bet everyone at our office had major speculations when I announced I was pregnant and T was having much of the same symptoms as I was. I hope I didn't blow her cover! We went through our pregnancies swapping knowledge, advice and the obvious worries and concerns about our upcoming deliveries. It was nice to have a belly buddy to chat with everyday. Now we are both 'stay at home mom's' for the time being and have daughters two weeks apart. T also has a new gorgeous baby girl whom is fast approaching 6 months. She is also one of many on my fiances team who are trying to convince me to have another baby (I'm almost there!). Along with being one of the best moms I know, she is also a fellow blogger. T makes both look effortless. Her blogs official title is "Mommy Momments" (link below). I am among many who wait patiently for her magic hands to create another compelling post. Her blog entries can make me laugh, cry, think ' I'm not so alone ', laugh so hard that I cry and everything in between. It's her way of sharing what she knows, admitting what she doesn't and capturing moments of her daughters lives. If there are any moms out there who feel like they are alone and no one else gets what they are going through, think again! Check out T's blog and you will breath a sigh of relief knowing that even a Supermom can get a snag in her cape from time to time.



  1. You are ridiculous - and I love you!!!
    Thanks :)

    P.S - Have another baby already!! lol

  2. Very well said Amber. I could never write look.
